Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833) was a social and religious reformer from India who played a significant role in the Bengal Renaissance of the 19th century. He was a prominent figure in the Indian social, religious and political scene of his time and is often referred to as the “Father of the Indian Renaissance”. He is best known for his efforts to abolish social evils such as the practice of Sati, child marriage, and the caste system.

Roy was born in a Brahmin family in Bengal, India and received a traditional Sanskrit education. He was exposed to Western ideas and philosophies during his employment with the British East India Company, which he joined as a young man. He became increasingly critical of certain aspects of Indian society, particularly its treatment of women and the caste system, and began to advocate for social and religious reform.

Roy founded the Brahmo Samaj, a socio-religious reform movement that sought to promote monotheism and reject idol worship and other traditional practices. He also played a key role in the passage of laws banning Sati, the practice of burning widows on their husband’s funeral pyre, and supported the education of women and the establishment of girls’ schools.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s contributions to Indian society and his advocacy for human rights and social reform have had a lasting impact on India and beyond. He is remembered as one of the most important social and religious reformers in Indian history.

Facts about Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Here are some interesting facts about Raja Ram Mohan Roy:

  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a polyglot and was proficient in several languages, including Bengali, Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Hindi, and English.
  • He was a strong advocate for women’s rights and played a key role in establishing the first girl’s school in India, which was named after him, the Raja Ram Mohan Roy School for Girls.
  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s efforts to abolish the practice of Sati led to the passage of the Bengal Sati Regulation in 1829, which banned the practice in Bengal.
  • He was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj, which was a reform movement that sought to promote monotheism, reject idol worship, and advocate for social and religious reform.
  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was one of the first Indians to visit Europe, where he studied European philosophy, science, and politics.
  • He was also a writer and translated several important works into Bengali and English, including the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the works of William Shakespeare.
  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was an early supporter of Indian nationalism and called for Indians to unite against British colonialism.
  • He was a staunch advocate of the freedom of the press and founded several newspapers, including the Bengal Gazette and the Sambad Kaumudi.
  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a strong believer in the power of education and worked to establish several schools and colleges in India, including the Hindu College in Calcutta (now Kolkata).
  • He was posthumously awarded the title of “Raja” by the British government in recognition of his contributions to Indian society.

Political Views

Here are some of Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s political views:

  1. Social and Religious Reform: Raja Ram Mohan Roy was deeply committed to promoting social and religious reforms in Indian society. He was critical of certain aspects of traditional Indian society, including the caste system, Sati, and child marriage. Roy believed that these practices were harmful and needed to be abolished.
  2. Western Education and Modernization: Roy believed that India could progress only through education and modernization. He supported the spread of Western knowledge and ideas in India and believed that Indians needed to embrace Western education, science, and technology to catch up with the rest of the world.
  3. Indian Nationalism: Raja Ram Mohan Roy was one of the first Indian leaders to articulate the idea of “Indian nationalism.” He believed that India needed to develop a unified national identity and that Indians needed to unite against British colonialism. However, he was critical of some Indian leaders who advocated for violent resistance against British rule.
  4. Peaceful Means: Roy believed that India could achieve independence through peaceful means. He was willing to work with the British government and was critical of some Indian leaders who advocated for violent resistance against British rule. He believed that Indians needed to work within the existing political system to advocate for change and that violent resistance would only lead to more harm.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s political views were characterized by a commitment to social and religious reform, modernization, and Indian nationalism. He believed that India needed to embrace Western education and ideas to progress and that Indians needed to unite against British colonialism. However, he was also willing to work with the British government and believed in achieving change through peaceful means.

The Bottom Line

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a significant figure in Indian history who made important contributions to the country’s social, religious, and political reforms. He was a polyglot, writer, and social reformer who worked tirelessly to improve the status of women, abolish harmful social practices such as Sati, and promote education and modernization in Indian society.

Roy’s political views were characterized by a commitment to social and religious reform, modernization, and Indian nationalism. He believed in peaceful means to achieve political change and was willing to work with the British government to advocate for Indian rights. Roy’s legacy lives on today through his many contributions to Indian society, and his ideas continue to inspire people around the world to fight for social justice, equality, and progress.


Q.Who was Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was an Indian social reformer, scholar, and political thinker who lived from 1772 to 1833. He was a prominent figure in the Indian Renaissance and played a key role in advocating for social and religious reform in India.

Q.What were Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s major contributions to Indian society?

Roy made significant contributions to Indian society, including advocating for the abolition of the practice of Sati, establishing the first girl’s school in India, founding the Brahmo Samaj, promoting Indian nationalism, and advocating for education and modernization in Indian society.

Q.What was the Brahmo Samaj, and what role did Raja Ram Mohan Roy play in its founding?

The Brahmo Samaj was a reform movement founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828. It was a monotheistic movement that sought to reject idol worship and promote social and religious reform in Indian society. Roy played a key role in founding the movement and promoting its ideals.

Q.How did Raja Ram Mohan Roy contribute to the women’s rights movement in India?

Roy was a strong advocate for women’s rights and played a key role in establishing the first girl’s school in India, which was named after him. He also advocated for the education and empowerment of women and spoke out against harmful social practices such as Sati and child marriage.

Q.What was Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s stance on British colonialism in India?

Roy was critical of British colonialism in India and believed that Indians needed to unite against it. However, he was also willing to work with the British government and believed in achieving change through peaceful means.

Q.How did Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s ideas influence Indian society?

Roy’s ideas continue to influence Indian society today. His advocacy for social and religious reform, education and modernization, and Indian nationalism continues to inspire people to fight for social justice, equality, and progress.

By Rakhi

She’s all about learning new stuff and trying fresh paths. A digital marketing pro with a knack for content creation, she mixes creativity and strategy to keep things exciting and engaging. Always on the lookout for the next big thing in the digital space! <3

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