
In the heart of India’s struggle for independence, countless heroes rose to challenge the British Raj. Among them was Usha Mehta, a name less recognized but whose contributions were vital to the cause of freedom. Her work with Congress Radio during the Quit India Movement made her a key figure in India’s independence struggle. On this Independence Day, as we celebrate our freedom, it’s important to remember the unsung heroes like Usha Mehta who played a pivotal role in bringing us closer to our dream of independence. 

Born on March 25, 1920, in Saras, Gujarat, Usha Mehta was destined for greatness. Her early exposure to the Indian freedom struggle shaped her into a patriot who would later dedicate her life to the cause of independence. Even as a child, Usha was deeply influenced by the independence movement. She would participate in demonstrations, hoist the Indian flag, and shout slogans demanding freedom. These early experiences sowed the seeds of rebellion and courage in her young heart, eventually leading her to take bold steps in the fight for independence.

The Congress Radio: A Bold Gamble

As the struggle for independence gained momentum, so did the need for effective communication. The British authorities had tight control over all means of communication, making it difficult for the freedom fighters to spread their message. It was during this critical time, in 1942, that Usha Mehta decided to take a stand and establish Congress Radio, a secret radio station that broadcast messages of hope, resistance, and freedom. Usha Mehta, then a mere 13-year-old student, became the linchpin of a covert operation known as the “Congress Radio.” This was not just any radio—it was a symbol of resistance, broadcasting messages of rebellion and hope to an oppressed nation.

The Congress Radio became the voice of the Quit India Movement, echoing the call for independence across the nation. Usha Mehta and her team of dedicated volunteers risked their lives to keep the radio station operational. They broadcast speeches by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, which inspired millions to continue the fight for freedom. The radio also served as a platform to share news about the independence struggle, which was often censored by the British-controlled media.

Challenges and Risks

Running Congress Radio was not without its challenges. The British authorities were aware of the station’s existence and were determined to shut it down. Usha Mehta and her team had to constantly move the radio station to different locations to avoid detection. The risk of arrest and imprisonment loomed large, but this did not deter Usha from her mission to contribute to India’s independence.

On August 14, 1942, just a few days after its inception, Congress Radio was raided by the British. Usha Mehta, along with her comrades, was arrested. Despite facing intense interrogation and torture, Usha refused to reveal any information about the radio station or her associates. Her silence and resilience became a symbol of the unwavering determination of India’s freedom fighters.

Contribution to the Independence Movement

The role of Congress Radio in the independence movement cannot be overstated. At a time when the British were trying to suppress the voices calling for freedom, Congress Radio became a beacon of hope. It kept the spirit of resistance alive, even in the face of adversity. Usha Mehta’s efforts through Congress Radio played a crucial role in mobilizing public opinion in favor of independence.

The station’s broadcasts covered a range of topics, from updates on the Quit India Movement to messages urging people to continue their fight for independence. The content was tailored to inspire and inform, making it an essential tool in the struggle for freedom. The radio station was a lifeline for many Indians who relied on it for news that was not tainted by British propaganda.

Arrest and Imprisonment

Usha Mehta’s arrest was a significant blow to the independence movement, but it also highlighted the lengths to which the British were willing to go to suppress dissent. Usha was subjected to severe torture during her imprisonment, but she remained steadfast in her commitment to the cause of independence. Her refusal to betray her comrades or disclose any information about Congress Radio earned her immense respect and admiration.

Despite the hardships, Usha Mehta’s spirit was unbroken. She continued to inspire others through her actions and words, even from behind bars. Her dedication to the cause of independence was unwavering, and she became a symbol of resistance and resilience for the Indian people.

Legacy of Courage

Usha Mehta’s contributions to the independence movement were not widely recognized during her lifetime, but her legacy lives on. After India gained independence on August 15, 1947, Usha continued to serve the nation in various capacities. She became a scholar and an advocate for Gandhian principles, spreading the message of non-violence and self-reliance.

In recognition of her contributions to the freedom struggle, Usha Mehta was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award, in 1998. Her work with Congress Radio remains one of the most significant yet underappreciated chapters in the history of India’s independence.

Role of Congress Radio in Shaping Public Opinion

Congress Radio played a crucial role in shaping public opinion during the independence movement. At a time when the British government controlled the press and suppressed information, Congress Radio provided an alternative source of news and information. The station’s broadcasts were instrumental in countering British propaganda and spreading the message of freedom across the country.

The radio station’s success can be attributed to Usha Mehta’s vision and determination. She understood the power of communication and used it effectively to further the cause of independence. Through Congress Radio, Usha was able to reach a wide audience and inspire them to join the struggle for freedom.

Remembering Unsung Heroes

As we celebrate Independence Day, it is important to remember the unsung heroes like Usha Mehta who played a vital role in securing our freedom. Their contributions may not be as widely recognized as those of the more prominent leaders, but they were no less significant. Usha Mehta’s work with Congress Radio is a testament to the power of determination, courage, and sacrifice in the pursuit of independence.

Independence Day is not just a celebration of our freedom; it is also an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for the independence we enjoy today. Usha Mehta’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of remembering and honoring these unsung heroes.

While Usha Mehta was known more for her actions than for her words, one of her most famous sayings reflects her deep commitment to India’s freedom:

“Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?”

This quote encapsulates her belief that the fight for independence was worth any sacrifice, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the value of liberty and the lengths to which people will go to secure it.

Usha Mehta: Trailblazer for Digital Change

In the digital era, Usha Mehta’s role and legacy take on a new dimension:

  1. Inspiration for Digital Activism:

Just as Usha Mehta used Congress Radio to galvanize support for India’s independence, digital tools today—like social media, podcasts, and AI—allow us to advocate for causes, spread awareness, and mobilize communities on a global scale. Her pioneering spirit shows how digital platforms can be harnessed for social change.

  1. Bridging the Digital Divide:

Mehta’s use of radio demonstrated the power of accessible communication. In our digital world, we can draw from her example to ensure that technology bridges gaps rather than deepens them. Efforts to improve digital literacy and access are crucial for equitable participation in the digital age.

  1. Ethical Use of Technology:

Her work also underscores the importance of using technology responsibly. In the digital era, this means safeguarding privacy, combating misinformation, and ensuring that tech innovations are used for the greater good, just as she used radio to empower and inform.

  1. Empowering Voices:

Usha Mehta’s story is a reminder that technology can amplify marginalized voices. Today, digital platforms give individuals and groups a space to share their stories, advocate for their rights, and make a difference, continuing her legacy of empowerment and advocacy.

Usha Mehta’s impact extends beyond her time, inspiring how we engage with technology to foster change, equity, and progress in the digital era.

The Bottom Line

Usha Mehta’s life and work with Congress Radio are a shining example of the dedication and courage that defined India’s struggle for independence. Her contributions to the freedom movement, though not widely recognized, were crucial in keeping the spirit of resistance alive. As we celebrate Independence Day, let us remember Usha Mehta and the countless others who fought tirelessly for our freedom.

Her story is a reminder that independence was not easily won; it was the result of the relentless efforts of many brave individuals who were willing to risk everything for the cause of freedom. Usha Mehta’s legacy continues to inspire us to value and protect the independence that she and many others fought so hard to achieve.


1. Who was Usha Mehta?

Usha Mehta was an Indian freedom fighter and a key figure in the Quit India Movement. Born on March 25, 1920, in Saras, Gujarat, she played a crucial role in India’s struggle for independence through her work with Congress Radio. As a young patriot, she was deeply involved in the independence movement, and she established Congress Radio in 1942 to broadcast messages of resistance and freedom during a time when communication was heavily censored by the British authorities.

2. What was Congress Radio?

Congress Radio was a secret radio station established by Usha Mehta and her team during the Quit India Movement in 1942. The station broadcasted messages calling for independence and updates on the freedom struggle. It served as a vital tool in countering British propaganda and keeping the spirit of resistance alive among Indians. The radio station was instrumental in spreading the message of the Quit India Movement and inspiring people to join the fight for freedom.

3. Why was Congress Radio significant in the freedom struggle?

Congress Radio was significant because it provided an alternative source of news and information during a time when the British government tightly controlled the media. The station’s broadcasts offered updates on the Quit India Movement, countered British propaganda, and kept the public informed about the independence struggle. It played a crucial role in maintaining morale and mobilizing support for the cause of freedom.

4. What challenges did Usha Mehta face while running Congress Radio?

Usha Mehta and her team faced numerous challenges while running Congress Radio. The British authorities were actively searching for the radio station and its operators, which required Usha and her team to frequently change locations to avoid detection. Additionally, operating the station involved significant risks, including the threat of arrest and imprisonment. Despite these challenges, Usha Mehta remained committed to her mission and continued to broadcast messages of hope and resistance.

5. How was Usha Mehta recognized for her contributions to the independence movement?

Usha Mehta’s contributions to the independence movement were recognized posthumously. She was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award, in 1998 for her role in the freedom struggle. Her work with Congress Radio, although less well-known, is now celebrated as a significant part of India’s journey to independence. Her legacy continues to inspire those who value the sacrifices made for the country’s freedom.

By Rakhi

She’s all about learning new stuff and trying fresh paths. A digital marketing pro with a knack for content creation, she mixes creativity and strategy to keep things exciting and engaging. Always on the lookout for the next big thing in the digital space! <3